HND Business

The subjects For Higher National Diploma in Business ( Foundation)

1. Nature of Business Organization

This subject provides the beginner students with an introduction of how management information and strategy related to business, the structures of business and how they are organized.

2. Introduction to Management

This subject gives a basic understanding of business management and how business are organized.

3. Introduction to Accounting

This provides an introduction of accounting that helps the decision-makers of a     company to make effective choices. With the aim of that, it is necessary for students to be good at accounting.

4. Introduction to Economics

This provides a basic understanding of Economic information.

5. Microsoft Word

This helps students be good at typing. As a result, the students can submit assignments well using Microsoft word while attending course and it is also effective as joining in business field.

6. Microsoft PowerPoint

This provides students making presentations well while attending diploma course . It is also well performed in making presentation as joining in business field.

7. English

Teaching English aims to be good at learning as a language and to be proficient in English language skills.

8. Personal Development

This provides students how personal appearance has to be presentable to others and how to behave and perform well smartly .The purpose is that students need to be good at learning as well as their personal development. As a result, they feel confident and perform well , getting away from feeling shy and insecure .

9. How to Write Assignment

This supports how to write an assignment because most Myanmar students don’t know how to write an assignment. The main reason is that the students  learnt lessons by heart and took exams at Myanmar Government schools. They were not taught how to write an assignment and not even writing essays. This is the reason why students are taught how to write an assignment. They become more confident to write assignments smoothly .

10. How to Make Smart Presentation

Thestudents are taught the things they need to make a smart presentation and how to make a presentation  in front of the audience confidently.

The subjects of HND Diploma in Business  (1 st Year, First Semester)

1. Business and the Business Environment

This provides the beginner students who learns business the basic function of a business enterprise and the components the affect a business.

2. Marketing Essentials

The students are taught how to identify understand and learn the basics of marketing management theories with real-world business scenarios.

3. Human Resource Management

This provides how to manage the resources of a business such as fixed assets and current assets and then how to make a business sucefully using these resources .The resources mean land ,machinery ,building and finiancial strength and also enterprise knowledge and workforce.

4. Management and Operations

This provides students how to manage the business activities operating daily and how to accomplish goals and achieve higher productivity.

The subjects of HND Diploma in Business  (1 st Year, Second Semester)

5. Management Accounting

The students are taught accounting principles.

6. Managing a Small Business Project

This provides students how to manage small business enterprises.

7. Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

The students are taught what entrepreneurs are for the ones who want to be entrepreneurs and how to perform and how to manage the small business enterprise .

8. Innovation and Commercialization

This provides students how to make a successful business by understanding of the basis for scientific innovation, commercialisation and entrepreneurship and how to come up with new projects, develop a product and estblish a start-up company.

The subjects of HND Diploma in Business  (2nd Year, First Semester)

9. Research Project

The research project takes the students the whole academic year.The students are taught how to write research and how to do research.

10. Business Strategy

This provides how to formulate and assess business strategies and how to accomplish business objectives using strategies.

11. Organizational Behaviour

The students are taught how to interact and cooperate organizational process that seek to create more efficient and cohesive organization although there are different types of people who have different opinions and ideas in an organization.

12. Global Business Environment

This is for students to learn the environment in different sovereign countries with factors exogenous to the home environment of the organization, influencing decision making on resource use and capabilities.

The subjects of HND Diploma in Business  (2nd Year, Second Semester)

13. Research Project

The research project takes the students the whole academic year.The students are taught how to write research and how to do research.

14. Operations and Project Management

The students are taught how to make a big project with planning specific date and how to manage and accomplish within limited time .

15. Understanding and Leading Change

This aims students to understand that the business are always changing aligned with new era. The business who are not changed will be left behind.therefore , it is necessary to understand the different types and scope of change that may occur in an organization .The leadership is also needed with change management.

16. Sales Management

The students are taught the basics and advanced concepts related to management and how to manage sales.