• Awarded by University of Central Lancashire (UK)

• Conducted by NCC (UK) and YIU

Sr.   Subject   Examination   Assignment   
1.   Advanced Database Management   Systems
This courses are detail focused on learning internals of modern database management systems
60%   40%   
2.   Corporate Communication Systems   Management
Teaching for the telecomunication managemnet systems
60%   40%   
3.   eBusiness 
This courses are designed for students , understanding how to run a successful business online like online shopping , electronic commerce and mobile commerce
60%   40%   
4.   Managing Information Systems   Projects
Courses of manage information systems used in computer systems of orginazation’s operation
60%   40%   
5.   Information   System Project
In this course , the whole project will be created by the students 

Note: Unlike the previous HND Diploma courses, It comes with examination.

60%of the lessons will be taken in the exam and 40%of the lesson will be checked by assignment. The partner university will take responsibility for questioning and examining. For information systems project, students will be done 100%by themselves.